The University of the Third Age (U3A or u3a) is a loosely-affiliated international organization of local non-profit groups for retired people and senior citizens. It refers to the third age of learning, the first age being in school and university, and the second age during one's working life, often with "continuing professional education". U3A started in France in 1972, where it was linked to existing universities. The U3A concept was modified in English-speaking countries, making it more independent, with members themselves sharing their skills and expertise. There are now U3As in over 36 countries, including South Africa, which has 28 U3As, of which only three are in KwaZulu-Natal.
The strapline (tagline in US English) for the international U3A movement is "Learn, laugh, live", emphasising the fun of learning, and the joy of living that comes with it, keeping the mind active in one's "third age". No qualifications are required for admission, and none are awarded. Fellowship and love of learning are the focus of the organization.
Howick has become known as the "retirement capital" of KwaZulu-Natal, with a number of large estates, home to many retired and semi-retired people with a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise. U3A Howick was formed in 2007 to provide a local forum for sharing ideas and learning. All U3A activities were suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. However U3A Howick was revived in 2022, with renewed vigour and enthusiasm, and more members than before. The Annual General Meeting in March 2022, the first in 3 years, attracted well over 100 members in person, and the membership currently (February 2023) stands at 300. U3A Howick holds General Meetings every second month at Howick High School (see the Meetings page for details). There are also regular meetings - usually monthly - for smaller interest/discussion groups (including topics such as Creative Writing and Current Affairs), and other talks and activities, such as Ecology, Science and Nature, and Photography. See the Interest Groups page for details of all currently active groups.